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Latest Members that have just joined up:

Kiss kiss kiss

Age 53 From Tacoma, Washington - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1400 Miles Away)

Love to bake and work on crafts to keep busy

Hello Im Dawn looking for bi or lez fem

Age 50 From Queen Anne, Washington - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Woman (1404 Miles Away)

Im 5'02" 110 ibs hairy p and nice firm tits Im 48 yo and Im looking for a female to share my body with

Looking to please a woman

Age 42 From Yakima, Washington - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Woman (1297 Miles Away)

I'm shy at first but I want my fantasy looking for a woman that can be my friend allow me to please her for hours call her when I'm wanting her she calls me to please her

Seeking for serious relationship

Age 44 From Langley, Washington - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1419 Miles Away)

I am not perfection, I am a typical woman who can paint eyelashes and drive, I am a fan of Winnie the Pooh cartoon, and I travel everywhere with my Piglet. I found the meaning of my life, and if you want the same, I can help you. It's something that...

Looking for sex and nothing more

Age 26 From Ione, Washington - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (1231 Miles Away)

A short brunette who loves rough, hard sex. I am always horny

Shhh.... ask me.

Age 44 From Spokane, Washington - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Woman (1196 Miles Away)

Curious, yet so naughty... I play games my way

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