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Feature Members who have just signed up:

In a sexless marriage

Age 48 From Odenton, Maryland - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (341 Miles Away)

Looking to get out and find what I'm missing

Let’s have some NSA fun!!!

Age 54 From Takoma Park, Maryland - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (327 Miles Away)

enjoy reading, drinking wine, volunteering in my community, cooking for friends and family, watching main stream and independent films, dancing and listening to music. I love going to concerts, plays and musicals. I enjoy singing and sing with my...

I could have been lost

Age 55 From Salisbury, Maryland - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (414 Miles Away)

Smart, calm, homebody, love family, determined.

looking for a bit of happiness

Age 43 From Frederick, Maryland - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (303 Miles Away)

married bt unhappy, looking for someone to talk to about maybe hang out w .....no pressure plz.....

Lonely, Married, and beautiful

Age 53 From Bel Air, Maryland - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (354 Miles Away)

Blonde hair, blue eyes, petite, just want to have fun with no strings attached. Married with children and extremely lonely and unhappy. There has to more to life than this and I'm going to find it! What I offer is very rare and you will walk away...

I'm in need of a friend... Can you help?

Age 38 From Baltimore, Maryland - Online Over 2 weeks ago
Woman Seeking Man (339 Miles Away)

I'm a stay at home mom.I get bores and lonely during the day. I would like some company. Whether we talk or text on the phone or we go out places in person, it would be awesome.

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